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Northern Sold 10:33 Wed Oct 14
Reintroducing Wolves to the UK

Urban Wolves...?? Sounds good... we'll have a pack in Rochford...

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

i-Ron 6:17 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
Sounds like somebody said in North America, yeah.

ManorParkHammer 6:11 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
'Who says that when their arguments make not sense, people resort to kindergarten insults'

Sounds like something you made up.

ironsofcanada 6:08 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
ManorParkHammer 6:03 Wed Oct 14

Who says that when their arguments make not sense, people resort to kindergarten insults.

Did make me chuckle though.

ManorParkHammer 6:06 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
The Great Wolf Wars.

ironsofcanada 6:04 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
Wolves are beautiful wild creatures which I have been blessed with a few chances to see in nature. Which is why I would not liked them introduced into human rich environment because whatever happens I don't think it will end well for either side.

ManorParkHammer 6:03 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
No I love them.

You're the pissy pants.

gph 5:59 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
The French are defying EU law and have stepped up their culls: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-34510869

*waits for anti-wolf WHOers to switch to the other side*

Northern Sold 5:55 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
Had some Wolves escape from Colchester Zoo a few years back... well some did.. some just stayed in their enclosure licking their arses... the five that got out three got shot... the other two just wandered back a bit bored... of the three that got shot apparently one was having a snooze under a bush... one of the others was sitting like a good dog by a tree... BANG!!

ironsofcanada 5:53 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
ManorParkHammer 5:48 Wed Oct 14

So then you are scared of every animal you encounter because you don't kill them?


ironsofcanada 5:50 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
Northern Sold 5:46 Wed Oct 14

There is an inherent danger with any animal.

So you are right probably because humans interact a lot more with cows than they do will with wolves around the world.

However, introduce wolves into a human dominated environment and there will be problems, I think.

Northern Sold 5:50 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
Vicious fuckers... no wonder we eat them...

Case 1. In August 2005, a woman in Missouri aged 65 years was removing a dead, newborn calf from a pasture when a cow knocked her down, stomped her, and butted her while she was lying on the ground. The coroner reportedly stated that death resulted from blunt force trauma to the woman's head and chest. No autopsy was performed.

Case 2. In November 2005, a man in Iowa aged 65 years was helping his son sort beef cattle for loading onto a truck. He was attempting to guide one of the animals toward the truck when it turned into him, crushing him against the barn door. According to witnesses, he stopped breathing immediately. The medical examiner's report stated that death was caused by blunt force trauma to the man's chest.

Case 3. In April 2006, a man in Iowa aged 63 years was herding cattle into his dairy barn for milking when a bull came into the barn and repeatedly butted him, pinned him against a fence, and stomped him. According to the attending physician's death record, the man sustained multiple rib fractures, lacerated pulmonary arteries, and head injuries. The man's family said that the bull was known to be dangerous and had been threatening in the past.

Case 4. In August 2007, a man in Iowa aged 45 years who was working alone in a pasture was attacked by a bull that had been bottle-fed and raised by the family but, according to family members, had become more aggressive recently. The attack was not witnessed, but the man was able to call his wife for assistance on his cell phone before he died and told her he had been attacked. According to the state medical examiner's autopsy report, he died of blunt force injuries to the chest.

ManorParkHammer 5:48 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
I never said you did.

I was mocking you for killing hamsters and being scared to kill things which could kill you.

Northern Sold 5:48 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
Ere you go last eastender... told ya... more people killed by COWS than Wolves...

1. Horses: about 10 a year

2. Cows: about 5 a year

3. Domestic dogs: about 4 per year

4. Bees & Wasps: about 3 per year

5. Deer –attacks about 1 per year

Northern Sold 5:46 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
tle... probably been more deaths by COWS than Wolves...

ironsofcanada 5:44 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
ManorParkHammer 5:37 Wed Oct 14

I never said I hunted because I was butch.

Again have a great night, mate.

ironsofcanada 5:41 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
the last eastender 5:36 Wed Oct 14

A human attack would be the unlikely worst case scenario. They seem very skittish when I have seen them in the wild.

That being said, one of the reasons they are so rare in North American is that the human population, where it crosses over with wolves is, usual quite sparse. That would not necessarily be the case in the UK and especially a place like around Southend.

ManorParkHammer 5:37 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
So you hunt to protect crops and livestock but not the gangs of murderous wolves eating people?

How butch.

the last eastender 5:36 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
There you go northern I didn't even need to answer you.

ironsofcanada 5:32 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
ManorParkHammer 5:26 Wed Oct 14

I have hunted to eat the meat and to protect crops and livelihoods, however your admittedly agenda-addled mind has spun that, I could care less.

Far Cough 5:31 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK

Me too

Steve P 5:30 Wed Oct 14
Re: Reintroducing Wolves to the UK
Not really, I just don't bother reading back past the current page.

Which may well be senile.

I see where you're coming from!

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